i love you because...

08.29 Memelisa 0 Comments

i love you because of the way you treat me
i love you because of the way you makes me feel
i love you because you are so beautiful / handsome
i love you makes me laugh

rata-rata orang kalo ditanya knp bisa cinta sm org kaya gtu jawabnya..
pdhal klo ditelaah lagi itu adalah alasan2 ketika keadaan baik-baik saja, ketika semua indah terasa.

lalu bagaimana kalau tiba2 keadaan berubah 180 derajat?
akankah kita ttp mencintai pasangan kita, sprti biasanya ???

what happens if he/she stops treating you the way you love??
what happens if he / she stops making you feel that way??
what happens if a bus hit he / she and then they not beautiful nd handsome again??
what happens if he / she cant make you laugh again??

coba kita renungkan lagi, apa visi kita ketika kita memutuskan untuk mencintai pasangan kita,,
dont love someone because of what/how/who they are

emank susah sih, tp gg ada slahnya dicoba khann...
love someone because you want to

-inspired from book-

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